
At En Route Earth,
we envision a world that is inclusive for all travelers,
across all destinations.

Our mission is simple:
To guide the travel and tourism industries
with strategizing culture + diversity, equity, and inclusion

Inclusion is a journey, is your organization en route?

As the world becomes more interconnected, inclusion isn’t just the right thing to do, it’s crucial for the success of destinations in today’s dynamic travel landscape.

But, let’s be real, it’s not always a smooth journey…

Trusted by Travelers:

“Michael impressed our audience not just with his knowledge and experience with the DEI topic, but also his empathy for our sector of the hospitality industry. He presented topics in different ways that no one in our group had thought of previously. He is incredibly easy to work with and an all-around nice guy, as well. Highly recommended.”

- Erik Wolf, Executive Director & Founder, World Food Travel Association

Travel organizations often face strategic roadblocks

Limited Staff + Capacity

Absence of DEI Strategy + Ineffective Training

Stakeholder Resistance

Budgetary Constraints

Explore what others are saying:

“En Route Earth is a much-needed piece in the journey toward a more inclusive world. Michael brings not only his career expertise, but his personal passion to making sure everyone feels welcome and included even while on the road.”

- Reka Barabas, Market Manager - Northeast Ohio, SEA Change

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You simply need a guide to navigate this journey!

En Route Earth can support your organization by leading dynamic workshops on inclusive leadership and unconscious bias, guiding team discussions on cultural humility, mapping out strategies to weave DEI principles into your daily operations, and more!